Ed Perkins



王妃》情节简介:Decades after Princess Diana's young death, she continues to evoke a sense of mystery, charm, and typical modern fairy tales. As a symbol of the growing rift that weakens the British Monarchy and the destructive news agencies, the Princess of Wales has experienced unparalleled fame and the ensuing corrosive challenges. This hypnotic and bold documentary adopts a unique formal way to show the story of the People's Princess to us as never before. Director Ed Perkins extracted thousands of hours of captivating material to present Diana's story in a fresh and imaginative way, depicting not only one of the most attractive public figures of the 20th century, but also the social and political turmoil that plagued Britain at that time. The Princess skillfully captures the echo of the Monarchy. The profound influence of the Monarchy on the public continues to this day. We turn to ourselves to explore our own complicity in this mysterious narrative.想要畅览免费高清电影吗?加入www.guminnc.cn的订阅,开启免费在线观影之旅!海量纪录片类电影无需下载,免VIP会员即点即播,青苹果影院努力带给您极致的视听享受!青苹果乐园全网影视大全网体验与众不同的电影合辑专题完整版。

